Meet Our Gymnasts : Elisabetta's Story

Name: Elisabetta Conradi 26
Occupation: Product Manager
Favourite Move: Handspring

Why did you decide to come train with Reset LAB?

I saw the handstand taster class advertised on facebook and decided to give it a go. During the class I discovered it wasn’t as easy as I thought! At the end of the class Claire & Tom described everything we’d be able to learn on the 10-week course, and it sounded really exciting. The way the handstand class had been taught made me feel that I get loads out of the 10-week course because Claire & Tom had taken so much care to break the moves down into their constituent parts. Working in this way gave me a chance to get comfortable performing whole moves gradually, and made me feel confident that I’d be able to learn some of the more difficult moves too.

What do you enjoy about the Reset LAB sessions?

They’re really fun! I like how much we laugh but how supportive we are of each other in the group and I think Claire and Tom are really great at teaching us. Pushing us enough so that we give it our best shot but never too much that we’re uncomfortable. I’m quite a scaredy-cat normally, but I feel like I’ve gained a lot of confidence since I started.

How do you feel you have progressed so far?

I feel liked I’ve progressed a lot. Even though I haven’t quite nailed some of the moves yet, I feel much more confident overall in attempting them and I know it’s just a matter of practice now to perfect my round-off backflip!

How has learning gymnastics affected your abilities and performance in the other sports and activities you do?

Practicing gymnastics has made me much more flexible and improved my balance. I feel so happy and amazed at what we can all now do with our bodies given that we only started 10 weeks ago. Overall I feel really proud of myself and particularly love showing off to my boyfriend/flatmates/whoever is around about what new moves I’ve learnt.

Why do you think other people might enjoy coming to take part in our sessions?

I think they’d enjoy the quality of the teaching and the individual attention and feedback that we get, the friendly, fun atmosphere and of course, learning to do some really cool stuff! It’s particularly motivating being part of a group that is so friendly and supportive where we can see each other improve and cheer each other on. I feel just as proud when I see someone else in the group do a new move well for the first time as if I’d done it myself.

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Meet Our Gymnasts : Abi's Story